Payola Justice: How Texas Supreme Court Justices Raise Money from Court LitigantsHome

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In the 18-month periods corresponding to their most-recent elections, the seven Texas Supreme Court justices studied here (Justices Thomas Phillips, Raul Gonzalez, Nathan Hecht, John Cornyn, Priscilla Owen, James Baker and Greg Abbott) raised $9,166,350 in contributions of $100 or more. Of this $9.2 million, 40 graphpercent ($3,690,363) was given by contributors who are closely linked to parties on the court docket for the period January 1, 1994 to October 30, 199712. In fact, 60 percent of the 530 opinions that the court issued in this period are tainted by contributor-docket links.

Hardly a game of "Seven Degrees of Separation," these recurring links between the justices' contributors and parties on the court's docket are straight-forward. They involve contributions to the justices by:


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