This report was published in July 2000. It should be considered outdated and is kept online for historical purposes only.

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Pioneer Profiles: George W. Bush's $100,000 Club
Name: Jennifer Dunn
Occupation: US Representative
Industry: Other
Home: Bellvue, Washington

Political Contributions:
Bush Gubernatorial Races: 
Republican Hard Money: 
Republican Soft Money: 
Democratic Hard Money: 
Democratic Soft Money: 
Federal PAC Hard Money:
Total Contributions:
Soft Money from Employer:
to Republicans:
to Democrats:
Representing Seattle’s wealthy Microsoft suburbs, Rep. Dunn has led House fights to eliminate capital gains and inheritance taxes. Shallow appearances might suggest that Dunn was hustling for Bill Gates’ kid, but she said her real reason in battling the inheritance tax was because “it hurts communities with farms that have to be turned over to corporations and then developed.” This year Dunn also championed an amendment to bar the Interior Department from spending money on any new national monuments. This failed maneuver was an attempt to curb President Clinton, who recently protected 3.9 million acres out West by designating them as monuments. She also opposed federal rules to prevent workplace injuries.

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