This report was published in July 2000. It should be considered outdated and is kept online for historical purposes only.

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Pioneer Profiles: George W. Bush's $100,000 Club
Name: Paul Welday
Occupation: Chief of Staff, Rep. Joseph Knollenberg
Industry: Other
Home: Farmington Hills, Michigan

Political Contributions:
Bush Gubernatorial Races: 
Republican Hard Money: 
Republican Soft Money: 
Democratic Hard Money: 
Democratic Soft Money: 
Federal PAC Hard Money:
Total Contributions:
Soft Money from Employer:
to Republicans:
to Democrats:
Welday’s boss, Rep. Joe Knollenberg, has led the congressional charge to force the Environmental Protection Agency to scale back its ‘98 policy initiatives to protect minority communities from absorbing a disproportional share of toxic pollution—so-called “environmental racism.” Welday has also crusaded to repeal federal “low-flow” toilet standards that are designed to save water. “It’s a grassroots movement,” Welday says. “People are saying, ‘Get the government out of my bathroom.’” Along with fellow Michigan Pioneers Heinz Prechter and Suzie Mitchell, Welday heads “American Dreamers,” a drive to raise money for Bush from minorities that traditionally supported the Democratic Party.

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