Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White

Toward the end of 2009, former Houston Mayor Bill White abandoned his campaign for Kay Bailey Hutchison's U.S. Senate seat to launch a Democratic campaign to be governor. White's gubernatorial campaign reported raising $25,056,887 from December 2009 through October 23, 2010. White raised $10.3 million (or 41 percent of this money) from 28 mega donors who gave him $100,000 or more. This includes White's senate and mayoral campaigns, which transferred a total of almost $3.7 million to White's gubernatorial coffers. White's other top donors include the Democratic Governors Association, labor unions, energy executives and trial lawyers. Just two donors gave at least $100,000 to both candidates: Houston oilman James Flores and Austin retirees Joe & Teresa Long. Flores and the Longs both backed White this time after supporting Perry in previous elections.


28 Mega-Donors Gave Bill White $100,000 or More

Amount Contributor Company City
$3,117,326 Bill White for Texas Bill White for Texas Houston
$2,029,788 Democratic Governors Assn. Democratic Governors Assn. Washington
$550,000 Friends of Bill White Friends of Bill White Houston
$500,000 Am. Fed'n of State Co. & Mun'l Employees Am. Fed'n of State Co. & Mun'l Employees Washington
$425,000 Service Employees Inter'l Union Service Employees Inter'l Union Washington
$375,000 John Steven & Amber Anderson Mostyn Mostyn Law Firm Houston
$251,747 Michael Zilkha Zilkha Energy Co. Houston
$250,000 Andypolo, LP Owned by QuantLab Financial founder W.E. Bosarge Houston
$250,000 Robert Patton, Jr. Fort Worth Magazine Fort Worth
$250,000 Lester Smith Smith Management Co. Houston
$222,905 Provost & Umphrey Law Firm LLP Provost & Umphrey Law Firm LLP Beaumont
$210,000 Communication Workers of America Communication Workers of America Austin
$200,000 John Moores JMI, Inc. Del Mar
$159,472 J. Weldon Granger Jones & Granger Houston
$150,000 Garrett & Cecilia Boone Container Store Dallas
$135,000 American Federation of Teachers American Federation of Teachers Houston
$129,184 Naomi D. Aberly HBK Investments Dallas
$125,000 Joe R. & Teresa Long First State Bank Central Texas Austin
$125,000 North Texas Leadership PAC North Texas Leadership PAC Dallas
$119,992 Sara Morgan Vinson & Elkins LLP Houston
$107,600 Franci Crane Susman Godfrey LLP Houston
$106,404 Walter Umphrey Provost & Umphrey Law Firm LLP Beaumont
$105,100 Maconda B. O'Connor Brown Foundation, Inc. Houston
$100,100 Aimee Boone Brooks Group/TX Democratic Party Dallas
$100,000 Clark Burnett G.P. Clark Burnett G.P. Houston
$100,000 Charles W. and Anne Duncan, Jr. Duncan Interests Houston
$100,000 James C. Flores Plains Exploration & Production Co. Houston
$100,000 Joseph Dahr Jamail, Jr. Jamail & Kolius Houston