Money In PoliTex:

A Guide to Money in the 2010
Texas Elections

TPJ Home Politex 2010 House Senate Statewide Politex 2008 Politex 2006
House A-L House M-Z Jose Aliseda Alma Allen Robert Alonzo Carol Alvarado Rafael Anchia Charles Anderson Rodney Anderson Jimmie Aycock Marva Beck Leo Berman Dwayne Bohac Dennis Bonnen Dan Branch Fred Brown Cindy Burkett Lon Burnam Angie Chen Button Erwin Cain Bill Callegari Stefani Carter Joaquin Castro Warren Chisum Wayne Christian Garnet Coleman Byron Cook Tom Craddick Brandon Creighton Myra Crownover Drew Darby John Davis Sarah Davis Yvonne Davis Joe Deshotel Joe Driver Dawnna Dukes Harold Dutton Craig Eiland Rob Eissler Gary Elkins Joe Farias Jessica Farrar Allen Fletcher Dan Flynn John Frullo Pete Gallego John Garza Charlie Geren Helen Giddings Larry Gonzales Veronica Gonzales Naomi R. Gonzalez Lance Gooden Ryan Guillen Rolando Gutierrez Mike Hamilton Kelly Hancock Rick Hardcastle Patricia Harless Linda Harper-Brown Will Hartnett Ana Hernandez Harvey Hilderban Scott Hochberg Chuck Hopson Charlie Howard Donna Howard Dan Huberty Bryan Hughes Todd Hunter Jason A. Isaac Jim Jackson Eric Johnson James Keffer Phillip King Susan King Tracy King Tim Kleinschmidt Lois Kolkhorst Edmund Kuempel John Kuempel Jim Landtroop Lyle Larson Jodie Laubenberg George Lavender Ken Legler Tryon Lewis Jose Manuel Lozano Eddie Lucio III Lanham Lyne
Representative Lyle Larson (R)
District 122

State Website    Contributions

(Contributions & expenditure totals cover from January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010. Cash on hand totals as of December 31, 2010)
Incumbency Status Incumbent Total Raised $272,411
Primary Result 84% Total Spent $145,032
General Result 77% Cash on Hand $128,899

Identified Contributions by Economic Interest
Contributions by Check Size

Top Source Cities
City Total
San Antonio $151,366
Austin $70,445
Uvalde $7,350
Blanco $4,800
Bon Wier $4,800

Top Donors
Name City Total Employer
Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC (TLR) Austin $10,018 Texans For Lawsuit Reform
Texas Oil & Gas PAC (TXOGA) Austin $8,000 Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA)
Joe R. Straus III San Antonio $5,000 State of Texas/Watson Mazur Bennett & Straus
Texas House Leadership Fund Austin $5,000
Peter & Julianna Hawn Holt Blanco $4,800 Holt Companies/San Antonio Spurs
NUStar PAC San Antonio $4,000 NuStar Energy
Associated General Contractors of Texas (AGC) Austin $3,500 Associated General Contractors
Charles Neely JR San Antonio $3,500 Neely Interests
Valero PAC San Antonio $3,500 Valero Energy Corp
Cecil Atkission Kerrville $3,000
W. Marvin & Barbara Rush San Antonio $3,000 Rush Enterprise
R.B. Willoughby Jr. Uvalde $3,000
AT&T, Inc. PAC Austin $2,603 AT&T
Texas Medical Association TEXPAC Austin $2,536 Texas Medical Association
Lawrence S. Baker Fair Oaks $2,500 Disability Services of the Southwest
Charles C. Butt San Antonio $2,500 HEB Grocery
John Likovich San Antonio $2,500 Sterling Foods
Texans for Economic Development (TED PAC) Austin $2,500 Texans for Economic Development PAC
Texas Optometric PAC Austin $2,500 Texas Optometric PAC
United Services Automobile Association Group (USAA) San Antonio $2,089 United Services Automobile ASN
Tony Randall Cain San Antonio $2,000 Ernst & Young
James and Paula Callaway San Antonio $2,000 AT&T
Chickasaw Nation Ada $2,000 Chickasaw Nation
Bill Ethridge San Antonio $2,000 CDS/Muery Services
Sammy Nooner Hondo $2,000 Tarpley
Sean Nooner San Antonio $2,000 Tarpley
Les Pratt San Antonio $2,000 Self
San Antonio Apartment Association PAC San Antonio $2,000 San Antonio Apartment Association
Texas Apartment Association PAC San Antonio $2,000 Texas Apartment Association
Texas Construction Association PAC Austin $2,000 Texas Construction Association
Richard and Sharlene Thum San Antonio $2,000 Comet Cleaners
Tom E. Turner Jr. San Antonio $2,000 Tetco
Edward Vaughan Boerne $2,000 Law Offices of Edward G. Vaughan
Independent Bankers Association Austin $1,518 Independent Bankers Association
Beef PAC - Texas Cattle Feeders Association Amarillo $1,500 Beef PAC
Compass BancPAC Austin $1,500 Compass Bank
Jim and Suzanne C. Goudge San Antonio $1,500 Broadway National Bank
HillCo PAC Austin $1,500 Hillco Partners
San Antonio Fire Fighters PAC San Antonio $1,500 San Antonio Fire Fighters
Jeff Smithers San Antonio $1,500 Smithers Merchant Builders
Texas Friends of Time Warner Cable Houston $1,500 Texas Friends of Time Warner Cable
Texas Parent PAC Austin $1,500 Texas Parent PAC of Austin Texas
Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Austin $1,500 Texas Restaurant Association
Union Pacific Fund Washington $1,500 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD
Bexar County Republican Party San Antonio $1,473 Bexar County Republican Party
Texas Dental Association (DENPAC) Austin $1,268 Texas Dental Association
Betty J. Hill (Ret.) San Antonio $1,250 Air Force
Marc A. Rodriguez Austin $1,018 Offices of Marc A. Rodriguez
Texas Association of Realtors PAC (TREPAC) Austin $1,018 Texas Association of Realtors
Wholesale Beer Distributors of Texas Austin $1,018 Wholesale Beer Distributors of Texas
Jerry Boles San Antonio $1,000 Grona Boles Insurance Agency
Charles E. Cheever Jr. San Antonio $1,000 Broadway Baucshares
Davidson & Troilo Committee for Civic Awareness San Antonio $1,000 Davidson & Troilo
John K. Gillis San Antonio $1,000 GLI Distributing
Jack Guenther Jr. San Antonio $1,000 Guenther AutoPlex
Wayne & Cynthia Harwell San Antonio $1,000 Wayne Harwell Properties
Gilbert C. Hine Jr. San Antonio $1,000 McClelland & Hine
Interernational Bank of Commerce (IBC) Committee Laredo $1,000 International Bank of Commerce
Robert Puente San Antonio $1,000 State Representative
Wade Shelton San Antonio $1,000 Shelton and Valadez P.C.
Christopher S. Shields P.C. Austin $1,000 Christopher S. Shields P.C.
Harold C. Simmons Dallas $1,000 Contran
Southwest Texas Water Resources General-Purpose Committee San Antonio $1,000
Joe R. Jr. & Jocelyn N. Straus Jr. San Antonio $1,000 Retama Entertainment Group
Texans for Lamar Smith San Antonio $1,000 Texans fo Lamar Smith
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Fort Worth $1,000 Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Texas Automobile Dealers Association (TADA) Austin $1,000 Texas Automobile Dealers Association
Texas Gaming Association (TGA) Austin $1,000 Texas Gaming Assoc. PAC
Texas Lobby Group LLP Austin $1,000 Texas Lobby Group
Texas Ophthalmological Asssociation EYE PAC Austin $1,000 Texas Ophthalmological Asssociation
Texas Society of Architects Committee Austin $1,000 Texas Society of Architects
Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA) Dallas $1,000 Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants
Timothy N. Tuggey N. San Antonio $1,000 Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal
Tuggey Rosenthal Pauerstein Sandolski Agather LLP San Antonio $1,000 Tuggey Rosenthal Pauerstein Sandolski Agather
Arthur G. Uhl III San Antonio $1,000 Powell Ranch
Edward E. or Linda L. WHITACRE Jr. San Antonio $1,000 AT&T
H. B. 'Bartell' Jr. & Mollie Zachry Jr. San Antonio $1,000 Zachry Construction