Money In PoliTex:

A Guide to Money in the 2010
Texas Elections

TPJ Home Politex 2010 House Senate Statewide Politex 2008 Politex 2006
Statewide Rick Perry David Dewhurst Greg Abbott Susan Combs Jerry Patterson Todd Staples David Porter Paul Green Eva Guzman Debra Lehrmann
Attorney General Greg Abbott (R)

State Website    Contributions

(Contributions & expenditure totals cover from January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010. Cash on hand totals as of December 31, 2010)
Incumbency Status Incumbent Total Raised $5,828,869
Primary Result 100% Total Spent $5,197,447
General Result 64% Cash on Hand $9,212,699

Identified Contributions by Economic Interest
Contributions by Check Size

Top Source Cities
City Total
Houston $1,548,330
Dallas $1,119,340
Austin $810,716
Fort Worth $298,864
San Antonio $259,050

Top Donors
Name City Total Employer
Bob & Doylene Perry Houston $300,000 Perry Homes
Harold C. Simmons Dallas $125,000 Contran
Kenny & Lisa Troutt Dallas $125,000 Mt. Vernon Investments
Stevan Hammond Dallas $100,000 Marketing Investors
Republican State Leadership Committee Individual Account Washington $100,000 Republican State Leadership Committee
L. E. Simmons Houston $100,000 SCF Partners
Q PAC Fort Worth $70,000 Q Funding,
Dan L. Duncan Houston $56,472 Enterprise Products Partners
Peter & Edith Jones O'Donnell Jr. Dallas $55,000 O'Donnell Foundation
Andrews Kurth LLP Houston $50,000 Andrews & Kurth
Border Health PAC (BHPAC) Mcallen $50,000 Border Health PAC
James C. Flores Houston $50,000 Plains Exploration & Production
Ardon E. Moore III Fort Worth $50,000 Lee M. Bass
Vinson & Elkins Texas Houston $50,000 Vinson & Elkins
Dalton Lott Duncanville $47,200 Club Marketing Services
Harlan R. & Katherine Crow Dallas $45,000 Crow Holdings
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson Austin $45,000 Linebarger Heard Goggan Blair Graham Pena & Samson
Alice L. Walton Mineral Wells $45,000 Wal-Mart
H. Gary and Diane Heavin Gatesville $40,114 Curves International
Barry G. Andrews Dallas $35,000 Andrews Distributing
J. Ralph & Joy Ellis Jr. Irving $35,000 Belmont Oil & Gas
John Victor Lattimore Jr. Mckinney $35,000 Lattimore Materials
Charles Berndon Lawrence Houston $35,000 Kirby
Robert C. McNair Jr. Houston $35,000 Cogen Technologies/Houston Texans
James R. Moffett New Orleans $35,000 Freeport-McMoRan
Valero PAC San Antonio $35,000 Valero Energy Corp
AT&T, Inc. PAC Austin $30,000 AT&T
Bank of America PAC Austin $30,000 Bank of America
R. Steven & Donna Hicks Austin $28,302 Capstar Partners
Robert & Terry Rowling Irving $27,023 TRT Holdings
John Needham Austin $26,310 Riverside Resources Property Management
Morrie K. Abramson Houston $25,000 Kent Electronics
Hushang Ansary Houston $25,000 Stewart & Stevenson
Bobby D. and Leona Cox Fortworth $25,000 Bobby Cox Companies
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP Houston $25,000 Fulbright & Jaworski
Good Government Fund [Ft Worth] Fort Worth $25,000 Good Government Fund
Gulf States Toyota Inc. PAC Houston $25,000 Gulf States Toyota
Stanley K. Harper Arlington $25,000 Lenders & Members Service Group
Laurence Hirsch Dallas $25,000 Highlander Partners
Peter & Julianna Hawn Holt Blanco $25,000 Holt Companies/San Antonio Spurs
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Eagle Pass $25,000 Kickapoo Traditional Tribe
Nancy Kinder $25,000 Kinder Foundation
John L. & Barbara E. Nau III Houston $25,000 Silver Eagle Distributors
RDM Enterprises Temple $25,000 McLane Company
John and Tally Scott Dallas $25,000 Scott Yung
Texas Apartment Association PAC San Antonio $25,000 Texas Apartment Association
Ruben Martin III Kilgore $24,909 Martin Gas Sales Incorporated
Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP Houston $23,585 Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell
R. Michael Ward Dallas $23,052 Double Diamond Companies
BG Distribution Partners PAC Houston $20,000 BG Distribution Partners,
Charles C. Butt San Antonio $20,000 HEB Grocery
James D. & Shirley M. Dannenbaum Houston $20,000 Dannenbaum Engineering
Al G. Hill Jr. Dallas $20,000 Hill Holdings
Ned S. Holmes Houston $20,000 Parkway Investments/Texas
KOCH PAC Washington $20,000 Koch Industries
McGinnis Lochridge & Kilgore LLP Austin $20,000 Mcginnis Lochridge & Kilgore
Texas Dental Association (DENPAC) Austin $20,000 Texas Dental Association
Texas Optometric PAC Austin $20,000 Texas Optometric PAC
Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA) Dallas $20,000 Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants
United Services Automobile Association Group (USAA) San Antonio $20,000 United Services Automobile ASN
Kelcy Warren Dallas $20,000 Energy Transfer Partners