Money In PoliTex:

A Guide to Money in the 2010
Texas Elections

TPJ Home Politex 2010 House Senate Statewide Politex 2008 Politex 2006
Statewide Rick Perry David Dewhurst Greg Abbott Susan Combs Jerry Patterson Todd Staples David Porter Paul Green Eva Guzman Debra Lehrmann
Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst (R)

State Website    Contributions

(Contributions & expenditure totals cover from January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010. Cash on hand totals as of December 31, 2010)
Incumbency Status Incumbent Total Raised $10,635,480
Primary Result 100% Total Spent $9,022,809
General Result 62% Cash on Hand $2,584,412

Identified Contributions by Economic Interest
Contributions by Check Size

Top Source Cities
City Total
Houston $2,730,317
Austin $1,937,527
Dallas $1,655,186
San Antonio $496,867
Fort Worth $330,341

Top Donors
Name City Total Employer
Bob & Doylene Perry Houston $250,000 Perry Homes
James Doug Pitcock Jr. Houston $200,000 Williams Brothers Construction
Mickey & Renee Long Midland $159,500 Westex Well Services
Border Health PAC (BHPAC) Mcallen $150,000 Border Health PAC
Curtis W. Mewbourne Tyler $125,000 Mewbourne Oil Company
Stevan Hammond Dallas $100,000 Marketing Investors
Gary R. Petersen Houston $100,000 EnCap Investments
Harold C. Simmons Dallas $100,000 Contran
Charles W. & Judy Tate Sugarland $100,000 Capital Royalty
Kenny & Lisa Troutt Dallas $100,000 Mt. Vernon Investments
Robert Waltrip Houston $100,000 Service Corporation International
Barry G. Andrews Dallas $97,637 Andrews Distributing
AT&T, Inc. PAC Austin $95,000 AT&T
Associated General Contractors of Texas (AGC) Austin $88,000 Associated General Contractors
Peter & Julianna Hawn Holt Blanco $85,000 Holt Companies/San Antonio Spurs
Joe R. & Teresa Long Austin $80,500 First State Bank Central Texas
James D. & Shirley M. Dannenbaum Houston $80,000 Dannenbaum Engineering
J. Ralph & Joy Ellis Jr. Irving $75,000 Belmont Oil & Gas
Robert D. Gillikin Dallas $75,000 Cummins Southern Plains
Peter & Edith Jones O'Donnell Jr. Dallas $75,000 O'Donnell Foundation
Texas Association of Realtors PAC (TREPAC) Austin $75,000 Texas Association of Realtors
Texas Friends of Time Warner Cable Houston $65,000 Texas Friends of Time Warner Cable
Thomas Dan Friedkin Houston $60,000 Friedkin Companies
Ray L. Hunt Dallas $57,500 Hunt Consolidated
Woody L. & Gayle G. Hunt El Paso $56,283 Hunt
John L. & Barbara E. Nau III Houston $55,000 Silver Eagle Distributors
W. Marvin & Barbara Rush San Antonio $55,000 Rush Enterprise
Harlan R. & Katherine Crow Dallas $54,908 Crow Holdings
William E. Greehey San Antonio $52,718 NUStar Energy
Texas Consumer Finance Association (TCFA) Austin $52,500 Texas Consumer Finance Association
Texas Farm Bureau AgFund Waco $51,036 TEXAS FARM BUREAU AgFund
Jerry Durant Weatherford $50,500 Jerry's Chevrolet
Atmos Energy Dallas $50,000 Atmos Energy
Chickasaw Nation Ada $50,000 Chickasaw Nation
Dan L. Duncan Houston $50,000 Enterprise Products Partners
Paul L. Foster El Paso $50,000 Western Refining
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP Houston $50,000 Fulbright & Jaworski
Gallagher Law Firm (Gallagher Serafin Kim & Lewis) Houston $50,000 Gallagher Law Firm
R. Steven & Donna Hicks Austin $50,000 Capstar Partners
Ned S. Holmes Houston $50,000 Parkway Investments/Texas
Steve LaMantia Laredo $50,000 L&F Distributors
W. Mark or Becky S. Lanier Houston $50,000 Lanier Law Firm P.C.
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson Austin $50,000 Linebarger Heard Goggan Blair Graham Pena & Samson
Drayton McLane Jr. Temple $50,000 McLane Company
Robert C. McNair Jr. Houston $50,000 Cogen Technologies/Houston Texans
James R. Moffett New Orleans $50,000 Freeport-McMoRan
North Cypress Medical Center Houston $50,000 North Cypress Medical Center
H. Ross Perot Jr. Plano $50,000 Hillwood Development Group/Dell Perot
George Brint & Amanda Ryan Dallas $50,000 Ryan & P.C.
Ryan & Co. Texas PAC Dallas $50,000 Ryan & Company
Texas Dental Association (DENPAC) Austin $50,000 Texas Dental Association
Texas Gaming Association (TGA) Austin $50,000 Texas Gaming Assoc. PAC
H. B. 'Bartell' Jr. & Mollie Zachry Jr. San Antonio $50,000 Zachry Construction
Jerry and Glenda Kane Corpus Christi $48,900 Sam Kane Beef Processors