Money In PoliTex:

A Guide to Money in the 2010
Texas Elections

TPJ Home Politex 2010 House Senate Statewide Politex 2008 Politex 2006
Statewide Rick Perry David Dewhurst Greg Abbott Susan Combs Jerry Patterson Todd Staples David Porter Paul Green Eva Guzman Debra Lehrmann
Supreme Court Justice Paul Green (R)

State Website    Contributions

(Contributions & expenditure totals cover from January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010. Cash on hand totals as of December 31, 2010)
Incumbency Status Incumbent Total Raised $458,158
Primary Result 100% Total Spent $329,535
General Result 60% Cash on Hand $167,426

Identified Contributions by Economic Interest
Contributions by Check Size

Top Source Cities
City Total
San Antonio $119,185
Houston $106,192
Austin $89,405
Dallas $76,329
Fort Worth $20,555

Top Donors
Name City Total Employer
HillCo PAC Austin $20,000 Hillco Partners
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP Houston $15,000 Fulbright & Jaworski
Haynes & Boone LLP Dallas $15,000 Haynes & Boone
Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC (TLR) Austin $15,000 Texans For Lawsuit Reform
Bracewell & Giuliani Houston $10,000 Bracewell & Giuliani (prev Bracewell Petterson)
Ricardo G. Cedillo San Antonio $10,000 Davis Cedillo & Mendoza
Jackson Walker L.L.P. Dallas $10,000 Jackson Walker
United Services Automobile Association Group (USAA) San Antonio $10,000 United Services Automobile ASN
Vinson & Elkins Texas Houston $10,000 Vinson & Elkins
Texas Civil Justice League PAC Austin $6,503 Texas Civil Justice League
Charles C. Butt San Antonio $6,000 HEB Grocery
Davis Cedillo & Mendoza San Antonio $6,000 Davis Cedillo & Mendoza
Peter & Julianna Hawn Holt Blanco $6,000 Holt Companies/San Antonio Spurs
Andrews Kurth LLP Houston $5,000 Andrews & Kurth
Baker Botts Amicus Fund Houston $5,000 Baker Botts
Bickel & Brewer Dallas $5,000 Bickel & Brewer
Gibbs & Bruns L.L.P. Houston $5,000 Gibbs & Bruns
HS LAW PAC Austin $5,000 HS Law
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates LLP (K & L Gates) Dallas $5,000 Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
KOCH PAC Washington $5,000 Koch Industries
Kenneth and Margaret Koechig Spring $5,000
Bob & Doylene Perry Houston $5,000 Perry Homes
Trevor D. Rees-Jones Dallas $5,000 Chief Oil & Gas
Harold C. Simmons Dallas $5,000 Contran
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Fort Worth $5,000 Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Texas Apartment Association PAC San Antonio $5,000 Texas Apartment Association
Texas Association of Defense Counsel PAC Austin $5,000 Texas Association of Defense Counsel
Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Austin $5,000 Texas Restaurant Association
Thompson & Knight LLP Dallas $5,000 Thompson & Knight
Valero PAC San Antonio $5,000 Valero Energy Corp
Winstead P.C. Dallas $5,000 Winstead PC
Carlos M. Zaffirini Sr. Laredo $5,000 Zaffirini and Castillo
Texas Medical Association TEXPAC Austin $4,001 Texas Medical Association
Cary M. Maguire Dallas $4,000 Maguire Oil Company
Good Government Fund [Ft Worth] Fort Worth $3,750 Good Government Fund
PSEL PAC Fort Worth $3,750 PSEL PAC
Beirne Maynard & Parsons LLP Houston $3,500 Berne Maynard & Parsons
Patrick R. Rutherford Jr. Houston $3,500 Rutherford Oil
Reagan W. and Nancy D. Simpson Houston $3,500 King & Spalding
Associated General Contractors of Texas (AGC) Austin $3,000 Associated General Contractors
B.J. 'Red' & Charline McCombs San Antonio $3,000 Red McCombs Automotive Group
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Austin $2,500 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
Martin Beirne Houston $2,500 Beirne Maynard & Parsons
Felix & Candice Chen Dallas $2,500 PAJ
Gregory Michael Cokinos Houston $2,500 Cokinos Bosien and Young
Cokinos Bosien & Young PC Houston $2,500 CokinosBosien & Young
ConocoPhillips Spirit PAC Houston $2,500 CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY
Cowles & Thompson PC Dallas $2,500 Cowles & Thompson
Jerry Crews Tomball $2,500 ARCO
Wayne Greenwalt Spring $2,500 Energy Quest
H. B. Zachry Company PAC (ZACOPAC) San Antonio $2,500 H. B. Zachry Company PAC (ZACOPAC)
Kelly Hart & Hallman P.C. Fort Worth $2,500 Kelly Hart & Hallman P.C.
Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP Houston $2,500 Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell
Charles W Matthews Jr. Dallas $2,500 Exxon Mobil
McGinnis Lochridge & Kilgore LLP Austin $2,500 Mcginnis Lochridge & Kilgore
William H. McKendrick III Laredo $2,500 Self
Vance & Geraldine 'Tincy' Miller Dallas $2,500 Henry S. Miller Companies
Jeffrey L. Swope Addison $2,500 Champion Partners
Perry Thompson Jr. Tyler $2,500 Thompson & Associates
Thompson Coe Cousins & Irons LLP Dallas $2,500 Thompson Coe Cousins & Irons
H. B. 'Bartell' Jr. & Mollie Zachry Jr. San Antonio $2,500 Zachry Construction